Kajian Hukum Islam terhadap Kebiasaan Mengadakan Hiburan Musik Dangdut dalam Walimatul ‘Ursy di Kabupaten Jepara

Musa Abdul Jabbar, Moh. Abdul Latif


This study aims to determine the study of Islamic law on the custom of holding dangdut music entertainment in walimah. This study uses a type of field research with a qualitative approach method. Data collection techniques through a series of observations, interviews, and documentation so as to obtain a complete and clear picture of the customary practice of holding dangdut music entertainment in walimah in Jepara district. After the research data was collected, it was then analyzed using data reduction techniques, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The practice of carrying out walimah with dangdut music entertainment is enlivened by dangdut singers who look sexy and vulgar in borgo and there is a mixture of men and women (ikhtilath). It is not uncommon for young people who are absorbed in entertainment to consume liquor. 2) The factors behind the habit are tradition, self-recognition, and education. 3) The view of Islamic law regarding the custom of holding dangdut music entertainment in walimah is that it is permissible (mubah) provided that there are no things prohibited by the Shari'a. Meanwhile, if there are things that are prohibited by the Shari'a, such as singers who look sexy and sway in vulgar ways that arouse lust, consumption of liquor, and the mixing of men and women (ikhtilath), as well as various other things that are prohibited by the Shari'a, then the law is unlawful.

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