Analisis Hukum Ekonomi Syariah terhadap Praktik Bagi Hasil pada Pengelolaan Lahan Parkir Karyawan Djarum (Studi Kasus di Titipan Sepeda Motor Dion Collection Kudus)

Fina Anggraini, Mohammad Zubaidi Sujiman


As an example of the implementation of profit sharing in the management of PT Djarum's employee parking lots related to Sharia Economic Law is mudharabah. Mudharabah is a collaboration of two or more people with the first party who is the owner of the capital, placing 100% of the capital in the second party who is the manager and is obliged to manage the business with profits shared according to a predetermined agreement. The research method used is a qualitative research method. Where qualitative research is a research method that does not require a population and sample. So this study will analyze the management system for the results of the parking area applied by the local community. The mudharabah agreement carried out in the contract is carried out verbally. This business is managed by the land owner H. Noor Aziz, while Ibu Aslikah and Emil Dian Handika are the managers. In the midst of this business, a problem occurred which resulted in Ibu Aslikah being unable to manage the parking herself, then someone else helped her, resulting in a different profit sharing from the initial contract, namely 50%:50% to 40%:60%, where each the manager will get a profit of 30%. Based on the data obtained, the result is that the profit-sharing practice for PT Djarum's employee parking management, which is located in Kebonalas Hamlet, Besito Village, Gebog District, Kudus Regency, is mudharabah fasid (canceled) which according to Sharia Economic Law does not apply according to syara' provisions. The management capital for PT Djarum's employee parking lot is in the form of land that will be used for business, not in the form of money. Meanwhile, capital, according to the majority opinion of scholars, requires capital to be in the form of money.

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