Efektivitas Penyelesaian Sengketa Ekonomi Syariah Melalui Jalur Negosiasi (Studi Kasus di ANQ Law Firm)

Ekowati Wiji Astuti, Suhadi Suhadi


Negotiation is a negotiation process to resolve disputes that occur in order to reach an agreement. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the negotiations carried out by ANQ Law Firm in resolving sharia economic disputes. The research focuses on three things, namely about how the negotiation process is carried out at ANQ Law Firm, the effectiveness of negotiations in resolving sharia economic disputes, factors that become obstacles in negotiations and their solutions. This research is a field research conducted through a qualitative approach, taking the research location at ANQ Law Firm. The data collection techniques are observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results of the study indicate that the negotiation process carried out by ANQ Law Firm is through summoning the litigants. In calling the parties using a subpoena. In terms of effectiveness, the negotiations conducted by ANQ Law Firm have been quite effective. This is evidenced by the data that the researchers obtained. Cases carried out by ANQ Law Firm through negotiations were 80% successful. The inhibiting factor in the negotiation process is the presence of the disputing parties, because they are often not present at the summons. The solution provided is to encourage the parties to have good intentions following the negotiation process with ANQ Law Firm.


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