Analisis Resepsi dan Tukar Cincin dalam Prosesi Khitbah Perspektif Hukum Islam (Studi Kasus di Desa Ngemplak Kecamatan Undaan Kudus)

Muhammad Faqihuddin, Fu’ad Riyadi


This study aims to find out how the reception and exchange of rings is carried out in the khitbah procession, the views of community leaders on the reception and exchange of rings in the khitbah procession, and how the reception and exchange of rings in the khitbah procession are in the perspective of Islamic law. Researchers used a type of field research with a qualitative approach, data sources obtained through primary data and secondary data with data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this research indicate that the implementation of the khitbah by holding a reception procession and exchanging rings in Ngemplak Village is a procession that has become a custom for almost all residents. The reception procession was carried out by filling in photos between the two candidates whose style was almost the same at the wedding reception, holding hands and so on, regarding the exchange of rings using gold rings for both and when the gifts were made directly by the two candidates. Islamic law responds that the implementation of the reception is unlawful where both touch and the prohibition of mixing (ikhtilat), while the law of exchanging rings is detailed, it can be said to be unlawful and can be said to be mubah depending on how it is used and the material of the ring.

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