Analisis Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan Jasa Ekspedisi Perspektif Fikih Muamalah (Studi Kasus Mitra Ninja Xpress Cabang Damaran Kudus)

Qurrotul A'yuni, Muhammad Shohibul Itmam


This study aims to determine the responsibility of the Ninja Xpress shipping company when a default occurs in terms of loss or damage to goods during the delivery process and to find out the muamalah fiqh perspective on the responsibilities carried out by Ninja Xpress when a default occurs in the event of loss or damage to goods. This type of research uses field research. The approach in this study is the qualitative approach and technique of collecting data in this study is by interview, observation, and documentation techniques and then analyzed with the perspective of fiqh muamalah. The results show that the responsibility carried out by Ninja Xpress in the event of a default in two ways, namely by preventing the occurrence of default and the responsibility to compensate in the event of a default. The responsibility to prevent the occurrence of a default is carried out by paying attention to packing, offering insurance and providing a receipt number with responsibility in the event of a default, namely by indemnifying 10 times costs if not insured. In the perspective of fiqh muamalah, the responsibilities carried out by Ninja Xpress when a default occurs are not in accordance with the ijārah bi al-'amāl contract. Ijārah bi al-'amāl compensation must be in accordance with the material value is missing or damaged.


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