Jual Beli Akun Game Online Perspektif Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (Studi Kasus Komunitas Game Online di Kecamatan Mayong Kabupaten Jepara)

Lutfhie Nadhif Al Afuw, Any Ismayawati


Buying and selling is a form of muamalah which has its own provisions, the permissibility of which is explained in the Al-Qur'an and reinforced by Hadith and the opinions of the ulama' regarding the terms and conditions. This applies both face-to-face, such as buying and selling in general, or online via social media, as is the practice of buying and selling online game accounts such as Free Fire, Mobile Legend, and COC. The aim is to find out how online game accounts are being bought and sold, to find out the transaction mechanism for buying and selling online game accounts. and to find out the view of Islamic economic law on buying and selling online game accounts. Researchers use field research. Based on the problems studied regarding the practice of buying and selling online game accounts from the perspective of Islamic economic law, among the reasons online game accounts are bought and sold are because there are sellers who have many accounts, sellers are bored of playing online games, sellers want to retire from playing online games, buyers need an account. online game that has a high rank and complete hero skins. The mechanism for online game transactions is that the seller first posts an online game account on social media, providing information on the specifications, photos and price of the online game account. Both buyers contact the seller via direct message (DM) to negotiate the price and make a deal. Third, the buyer transfers the amount of money agreed upon by the seller and buyer. Fourth, the seller sends the online game account user ID and password to the buyer. Transaction complete.

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