Penerapan Akad Syirkah pada Model Bisnis Waralaba Syariah (Studi pada Franchise Minuman Jiwa Maliter di Kudus)

Sulistiyaningsih Sulistiyaningsih, Muhamat Nur Maarif


Franchise is defined as a business model owned by an individual or business entity with business characteristics in order to market products or services that have been proven successful. The problem that the author will examine is how the application of the syirkah contract is used in the Sharia franchise of the drink of Maliter Soul and how is the review of Islamic law regarding the application of the syirkah contract in the Sharia franchise of the drink of the soul of military. The research method used in this study is by using the case study method which for researchers this method can describe problems regarding interrelated processes in certain contexts. The results of the study show that the Jiwa Maliter Beverage franchise applies a syirkah contract in carrying out its business by using a written and oral agreement system in the form of an agreement letter where the profit sharing system applies to the profit sharing system and us are exempt from royalty fees. The application of the syirkah contract to the Drinks of Maliter Soul is in accordance with the concept of syirkah in Islamic Economics, this can be proven by the clear capital obtained and the products sold do not contain any element of harm, this is because the products are made from materials that have been certified halal by the MUI.


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