Analisis Penyebab Meningkatnya Permohonan Izin Poligami pada Tahun 2021 sampai 2022 di Pengadilan Agama Ambarawa
In principle, a man's marriage may only have one wife, but polygamy or a man with more than one wife is permissible if desired by the parties concerned and given permission by the court. This research aims to find out the first: what causes the increase in applications for polygamy permits in 2021-2022 at the Ambarawa Religious Court. Second, the wife's reasons for giving permission for polygamy to her husband. Third, the judge's considerations in giving a decision on a polygamy application at the Ambarawa Religious Court. This study uses a type of qualitative research. In this study the authors conducted field research and library research. The subject of this research is the judge in the Ambarawa Religious Court. Data collected using interviews, observation, and documentation. To test the validity of the data using the credibility test (internal validity), transferability test (external validity), dependability test (reliability) and confirmability test (objectivity). To collect primary and secondary data based on the documents to be examined, namely copies of polygamy permit decisions in 2021 to 2022. The results of the study show that the wife's reason for applying for a polygamy permit submitted by her husband at the Ambarawa Religious Court is that the wife allows her husband to practice polygamy because it is true feel unable to serve my husband well. The application submitted by the applicant has fulfilled the alternative and cumulative requirements for polygamy. So from these matters the Judge granted the application for a permit for polygamy.
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