Menyemaikan Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Beragama dalam Memperkuat Tri Kerukunan Beragama Pada Masyarakat Desa Jerukwangi Bangsri Jepara

Aristoni Aristoni, Zulham Qudsi, Ali Purnomo, Harnoto Badi, Zulfa Amalia


One of the problems that often becomes a challenge for the people of Jerukwangi is the conflict of interests with political nuances, especially in election contests, which sometimes causes friction. This service aims to provide an understanding of how religious moderation is applied in social, national and state life by these communities, which incidentally are not all Muslims. The methods used in carrying out community service are lectures and discussions. The results of the service implementation show that the people of Jerukwangi have a comprehensive understanding of the indicators of religious moderation and their application in community relations. 


Religious Moderation; Harmony; Public.

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