Memperkuat Pilar Keluarga melalui Edukasi dan Pemberdayaan Dalam Mewujudkan Ketahanan Keluarga di Desa Kemujan, Karimunjawa, Jawa Tengah

Amrina Rosyada


Community service initiatives in Kemujan Village, Karimunjawa Islands, Central Java, which focus on education and family empowerment, aim to bolster family resilience by addressing two key issues: the weakness in education and the need for family empowerment. These issues encompass a deficiency in information and education pertaining to family law, including parenting styles, family communication, and other legal matters. There is a noticeable absence of sustainable family empowerment programs designed to enhance skills and promote economic self-sufficiency within families. The service activities are implemented using observation methods and education/socialization techniques. However, there are still shortcomings in these community service activities. Specifically, there is a need for multi party collaboration to enhance and diversify sustainable family empowerment programs, which will ultimately strengthen the family unit in Kemujan Village, Karimunjawa Islands, Central Java.

Keywords: Family Resilience, Family Law Education, Family Economic Empowerment

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