Sosialisasi Pencegahan Pernikahan Dini Di Masyarakat Desa Mojowarno, Kaliori, Rembang

Any Ismayawati, Irzum Farichah, Inna Fauziatal Ngazizah, Rahma Aulia, Muhammad Lutfi Maulana, Robert An-Nafidzi, Febryana Dian Puji Areza


The problems faced by the people of Mojowarno Village, like other rural communities, are still common in the implementation of early marriages. One of the influencing factors, apart from the culture of rural communities, is that they have never had insight into the impact of early marriage. The aim is to socialize the prevention of early marriage to the community in Mojowarno village. The implementation method for this service is through several steps, namely lectures, educational video screenings, and questions and answers. This service resulted in activities involving lecturers and students regarding the promotion of prevention of early marriage in the community. Two lecturers gave an introduction to material related to early marriage. two other lecturers conveyed the views of Islamic law regarding early marriage and the impact of early marriage on society. This service was also influenced by the good response from the village head, enthusiasm from the youth posyandu group participants and interactive presenters. Another factor that became an obstacle was the limited time for carrying out the service so that they were unable to respond to the many questions asked by the participants.

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